Judges Who Break the Law and Legislate from the Bench

judges who break the law

We all have the “guarantee” of due process of law under 5th and 14th constitutional amendments.  The 5th amendment protects the states from the federal government and the 14th amendment protects us from state officials. However, there is one little caveat that nobody seems to speak about a lot.  The immunities under the 11th amendment allow judges to break the law and rob us of our “guaranteed” rights.

The 11th Amendment immunities protect judges. What is the justification for giving them this amount of immunity at the cost of our constitutional guarantees?  

Judges who break the law….

Our 5th Amendment of the Constitution protects citizens from the Federal Government. It promises that no one will “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”

Our 14th Amendment gave the same protections as the 5th amendment. The only exception was that it protects citizens from state officials, not the federal government as we spoke about above.  However, 14th Amendment expounded on this stating that no person can be denied equal protections under the law. This means judges cannot discriminate against you. Honoring this amendment would have prevented the legalization of child kidnapping from ever happening.

Before the 14th amendment passed, the power the government had over the states was much more limited.  The Federal Government could intervene with the states, but it was in a limited way.    

It wasn’t until the 14th amendment had passed that the government could intervene with the state outside of legislation. This legislation was enacted after the civil war.

This was a very bold move…

President Johnson initially vetoed the legislation because he stated that this would allow judges could be sued.  Congress argued about how it would impact judicial immunity. No clause was created exempting judges from these lawsuits.  

Equal protections under the law extend even beyond racism.  Equal protections under the law also means that judges can’t be bias against you because of your gender, religion, etc.

So why would a judge be able to take children away just because that parent is a father, for example?

The answer is simple: The illegal doctrine of judicial immunity.

Decades after legislation passed, the Supreme court did a 180 on this law. They decided to protect judges with the immunities under the 11th amendment. This was even though the 14th amendment abrogated those immunities.

The Supreme court shows us how far they will go in protecting judges with absolute immunity. They stated “It is a principle of our law that no action will lie against a judge of one of the superior courts for a judicial act, though it be alleged to have been done maliciously and corruptly”.

This is why we have legalized child kidnapping and has left us with the only recourse being impeachment. Even impeachment is very rare. Reuters did an excellent study of corrupt judges and found that thousands of judges who break the law or oaths still remain on the bench. We have a two-tiered justice system and that is why so many people do not trust it.

It is very seldom that a federal judge will rule against a state judge…

There are some things that they can’t do.  They can’t try to kill a person. They cannot disbar a lawyer because that is an administrative action.  Finally, they can issue a warrant, but they can’t exercise it. This is because that is an executive function that police are to exercise. The latter two examples are examples of what judges can’t do because of the Separation of Powers.  The Separation of Powers is a protection for us so one power doesn’t have too much power over the other branches.  

When judges make up totally new laws or ignores very clear laws, they are ultimately ignoring the will of the people and elevating themselves above legislative branch.  The only authority they have to legislate is in very complicated situations where the law is not exactly clear.  

Having the authority to legislate in complicated matters has become a world of its own. They are now able to legislate in various matters and that has bastardized the Separation of Powers and gone directly against the will of the people.

It has gone so far that the First Circuit Court recently decided in case #23-1655 that legalized child kidnapping is fine and protected the family court judge with absolute judicial immunity.

The judicial system is a direct threat to every man, woman and child in America.

We need to fight to give the power of the law back where it belongs:  Into the people’s hands.  If the law is unconstitutional, we can challenge this with state legislators, the Supreme court and we can petition Congress to change the law.

Now judges can discriminate against you, tamper with evidence, break the law and make up new laws that don’t exist. When the First Circuit Court officially legalized child kidnapping, the judicial system became a threat to every single man, woman and child in America.

If you believe that history repeats itself then one day the breaking of our 14th amendment rights will lead to war if this is not fixed. The history of wars happening as a result of these violations of our rights are below. First we go into English history because parts of our constitution was derived from the Magna Carta and then we go into the United States history…

Our next article will go into how the Supreme Court justified judicial immunities. The articles after go into why each point they made is historically wrong and how it specifically goes against current federal laws that state that judges have criminal liability for the act of kidnapping our children.

In Our Next Article: Why the Supreme Court Gave Judges Absolute Judicial Immunity at the Expense of Our “Guaranteed” 14th Amendment Rights in the Constitution


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