If laws that have already been passed were honored, judges committing crimes would be rare. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s Justices years ago started jumping through hoops to avoid judges having to face consequences for their criminal behavior. In my opinion, this is what has caused the breakdown of our entire justice system.
I think the worst case I’ve found of our Supreme Court protecting judges is when the Department of Justice said that the “color of law” included judges and so therefore they would have both criminal and civil liability for denying people their 14th Amendment rights.
The Supreme Court turned around and, against clear legislating specifically stating that the judges were included in the color of law definition said judges ARE NOT included in the color of law definition so therefore have absolute immunity. I was absolutely stunning by this and thought it deserved its own page.
State Judges Who Deny Our 14th Amendment Rights Have Criminal and Civil Liability.
However, the federal courts contend that judges have absolute immunity under the 11th Amendment.
This legislation was put in place via the Civil Rights Act of 1866. This is now known as 18 U.S.C., § 242. Judges who were bias or deprived us of equal protection under the law would face criminal consequences.
The second piece of legislation put in place was 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This was originally known as the KKK Act of 1871. This was modeled exactly after the Civil Rights Act of 1866 except this federal law would have civil remedies to judges for depriving our rights under the 14th Amendment.
Failing to ignore the law under the 14th Amendment results in federal crimes being committed.
The first button below talks about the arguments the president and congress made before passing the Civil Rights Act of 1866. This Act gave judges’ criminal liability for depriving a person of their 14th Amendment rights.
The second button below talks about the arguments the congress made before passing the KKK Act of 1871 which gave judges’ civil liability for depriving a person of their 14th Amendment rights.
Federal Judges giving state judges immunity at the Cost of our 14th Amendment Rights is aiding and abetting a Federal Crime. If done intentionally, Federal judges can face criminal liability.
In my family court case, Judge Black deprived me of my 14th Amendment rights resulting in her kidnapping my children from me.
Both the Federal Court and First Circuit of Appeals aided and abetted this crime by insisting judges have immunity under the 11th amendment. This was despite the fact that my 14th Amendment rights were severely violated. They were wrong, the 14th Amendment abrogated the immunities under the 11th amendment. See the link below for more information,
Furthermore, I sent in the research that proves judges don’t have immunity for 14th Amendment violations. Therefore, I believe that they intentionally aided and abetted a federal crime. These types of rulings is exactly what let to judges committing crimes.
The act of knowingly aiding and abetting a crime is a federal crime that Federal judges can be prosecuted for.
The button below explains the reasons the Supreme Court gives judges protection via absolute immunity. The articles following it are what I sent to the First Circuit Court. They prove that judges do not have immunity for 14th Amendment violations.
Therefore, I believe that they willfully committed multiple crimes while serving on the bench….