Ronald Alexander: Calling for Reforms to Protect Black Fathers

reforms to protect Black fathers

In recognition of National Parental Alienation Awareness Day, Ronald Alexander, a Black father living on the southside of Chicago, whose rights have been egregiously violated in the Cook County Court system, is set to hold a news conference on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 1p.m. at the office of Alderman Ronnie Mosely, 10801 S. Halsted. Alexander is joined by lawmakers, ministers, and community leaders standing together, and calling for reforms to protect Black fathers who have been restricted from seeing their children and are being unfairly trapped in unfair financial obligations.


Alexander, who has been deprived of his rightful visitation and interaction with his 11-year-old son for nearly 2000 days, is speaking out against the injustices he continues to face  at the hands of the Cook County Court system, the assigned parent coordinator – Erin Wilson, the mother’s attorney, the mother of his son, and even some interactions with law enforcement in Oak Lawn, IL.


Despite his efforts to establish regular involvement in his son’s life, Alexander has only been granted a limited number of days to spend with his son, rather it was via zoom or in person.  Two of the years were strategically taken from him when the mother took said child out of school without his consent, home schooled him, refused all joint visitation, and made up countless excuses to violate his visitation even though it was ordered in place by the court. Since 2019, the father has only been with his son for approximately 78 Days. The judge and parent coordinator disregarded his pleas to enforce his court ordered rights to visitation. 


Mr. Alexander has kept an accurate running log, as he has documented his son’s sadness, non-father and son dates at school, church functions, and family reunions.  He has documentation on lost time, lost memories, lost birthday celebrations, Father’s Days, major holidays, non-family trips, and emotional distress for having him absent in his life.  The child’s mother continues to ignore his requests to visit, participates in his son’s medical decisions, education, attend any family vacations, attend school functions, and be included in his life spiritually and emotionally.  Alexander has documented more than 1800 days that the mother has denied him access to spend time with his son. 


“It’s heartbreaking to see any child cry.  It is hard to hold back tears when you talk to your child, and he constantly asks when he can come back to your house and you have no answers for him, nor are you able to tell him the truth about why he can’t come over.  I would have never thought in my many years that parenting was supposed to end up like this,” Alexander stated. 


Atty. Hill-McClain explained, “I’ve spent countless hours speaking to Mr. Alexander, the thought that he’s paid thousands of dollars and has faced increasing penalties for late child support payments (which he was not aware of), while the mother of his child has been allowed to break laws and act with impunity.


The mother’s attorney, the parent coordinator, and the judge have appeared to collude to prevent him from being involved in his child’s life. Alexander’s attorney, Joan Hill-McClain has presented the facts of the case at each court appearance, which includes:


  • Constant egregious disregard for his rights has prompted him to demand reforms in the system.

  • A never-ending cycle of charges, penalties and financial obligations that have him locked in owing thousands of dollars when he only ears $31 per hour as a City of Chicago employee.

  • The importance of a father’s involvement in a child’s life, especially within the black community, cannot be overstated. Studies have consistently shown the positive outcomes when fathers are regularly involved in their children’s lives.


This news conference will also highlight specific incidents of fathers–especially Black fathers being alienated across the United States, including cases in Cook County, Illinois, where fathers’ rights have been violated in the court system without scrutiny or justice.


Alexander urges lawmakers, legal professionals, and the public to take action to ensure that all fathers have equal access to their children, eliminated unfair charges and plots to lock fathers in unreasonable financial penalties,  and that parental alienation is recognized and  addressed appropriately, which can lead to an elimination of bias toward fathers…especially Black fathers..

About Father: Ronald Alexander

A 26-year Chicago Public Schools employee, working with children city wide. 

Certified by the Chicago Police Department- 1998

Certified by FEMA

Mandated reporter, certified with DCFS – Anually

A 3x award winning School Community Representative in 2012. 

A Masonic Past Worship Master, awarded Worshipful Master of the Year, leading lodge to Lodge of the Year in 2023 due to charities, fundraising and giving back to the community

Father Ronald Alexander

Founder of F.E.A.R II 

Fathers Earned A Right Too

– 773-469-5965


Written by Jouranist Marsha Eglin Chgo, IL

Photo: IL Senator Emil Jones III & Ronald – Springfield General Assembly Judicial Commitee Testimony 

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